Care N’ Care Insurance Company of North Carolina, Inc. d/b/a HealthTeam Advantage (“HealthTeam Advantage”) is providing notice of a data security incident discovered on April 16, 2021 that may affect the privacy of certain individuals’ protected health information.
HeathTeam Advantage recently became aware of a data security incident experienced by Beacon Health Solutions, LLC (“Beacon”), a company hired by HealthTeam Advantage. This incident occurred on October 5, 2020. Prior to the issue being discovered, certain member information may have been compromised.
For more information on this incident, please visit Beacon’s website Beacon has also established a dedicated call center for individuals to contact with questions or concerns. If you have any questions regarding this incident that are not addressed in this notice, please contact the dedicated assistance line, which can be reached at 833-416-0905, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm EDT, excluding U.S. holidays. We sincerely apologize that this incident occurred and remain committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of information we collect in providing services to our members.